These terms and conditions are entered into by and between LOKfit Ltd (hereinafter: “LOKfit”) and You (hereinafter: “the Member”) and shall govern the relationship between the parties for the duration of the membership until such times it is cancelled in accordance with the agreement below.

1. Services

1.1. The membership entitles the usage of LOKfit facilities and the equipment; services available therein.

1.2. Services outside of our Memberships are dealt in Clause 19 of this agreement.

2. Membership

2.1. The membership is personal and cannot be shared or transferred to another individual.

3. Age Limit

3.1. The Member confirms that he/she is 18 years old or older.

3.2. Guests of Members will be permitted from the age of 16 and over.

3.3. Exceptions are granted on a case-by-case basis and subject to both parental and LOKfit consent.

4. Health

4.1. The Member confirms that he/she does not suffer from health problems that would hinder exercise or prevent him/her from engaging in exercise, or that would be detrimental or adverse to the Member’s health, safety or physical condition if he/she did exercise. In case of any doubt, the Member shall seek advice by a medical doctor who should confirm the ability to exercise.

4.2. LOKfit shall have no obligation to perform a fitness assessment or similar testing to determine the Member’s physical condition.

4.3. Any assessment completed at LOKfit, it is for the sole purpose of compiling comparative data in order to track the Member’s progress in a programme and not for diagnostic or medical purposes.

5. Liability

5.1. Each Member of LOKfit shall be liable for any property damage and/or personal injury caused by the Member on the LOKfit premises.

5.2. It shall be the obligation of the Member to pay for any costs involved upon presentation of a statement thereof.

6. Waiver of Liability

6.1. Any and all use of the LOKfit facilities shall be at Member’s own risk at all times.

6.2. The Member shall not utilise any equipment unless he/she knows the appropriate usage. LOKfit shall not be liable for any injuries, physical impact or damages to the Member, or the property of the Member, or be subject to any claim arising out of the use of the premises and/or of the equipment made available to the users.

7. Personal Belongings

7.1. Members will be required to put all personal belongings in the allocated area in the Studio they are training in during their session.

7.2. Each Member must remove their items when the session has finished.

8. Lost Property or Theft

8.1. LOKfit does not take responsibility for loss or theft of any personal belongings.

8.2. Any items left on LOKfit premises will be kept for a period of two weeks before being disposed of.

9. Code of Conduct

9.1. The Member shall respect the behavioural and operating principles of LOKfit, as laid out in our code of conduct, a copy of which is attached in the Appendix.

10. Non-Solicitation Agreement

10.1. As a valued Member of LOKfit, you agree not to approach any of our staff members for personal training services outside of the LOKfit facility without booking the service through LOKfit.

10.2. Our staff are prohibited from providing personal training services to any Member outside of LOKfit without prior consent.

10.3. Any violation of this agreement will result in immediate termination of membership at LOKfit.

10.4. We take this agreement seriously in order to protect our business and ensure the highest quality of service for our Members. If you have any questions or concerns about this agreement, please contact us at any time.

11. Suspension/Termination of Membership

11.1. If the Member behaves in a way that breaches the code of conduct, membership can be suspended or terminated at management’s sole discretion.

12. Access & Security

12.1. LOKfit is open Monday to Friday 6am until 9pm, and Saturday from 7am – 1pm, with the exception of bank holidays and exceptional circumstances, when times may vary.

12.2. Classes are available according to times stated in the LOKfit booking system.

12.3. Classes and instructors are subject to change with no prior notice although every endeavour will be made to inform of changes via the LOKfit booking system.

13. Pricing

13.1. LOKfit Appointments, Courses, Packages will be available for purchase by Non-Members and Members of LOKit.

13.2. The price will be as advertised on our booking system and promotional material at the time. LOKfit Members will benefit from, and be made aware of, discounted prices on any such services.

13.3. All prices are fixed for the duration of a membership.

13.4. Any prices changes will be communicated at least one month prior to implementation.

14. Payment

14.1. The Member is responsible for the payment of the membership.

14.2. This is true even if the amount is debited directly by LOKfit. Agreed price only applies if the Member pays according to the agreed conditions.

14.3. The first month’s payment amount and any joining fee are taken at the point of this agreement. The following monthly payments should be paid at the same time of each month thereafter.

14.4. Memberships are taken automatically, with the Members approval at the point of this agreement, as an automatic debit from their bank account or card on a rolling monthly basis. Cancellation of this agreement must be as set out in LOKfit’s Cancellation Policy.

14.5. Late payments may result in Members suspension of access to LOKfit’s premises, but Membership will continue to run.

14.6. If after 30 days, the late payment is not received then the Member will be in violation of this agreement and the membership will be terminated and the Member will be liable for any outstanding fees and a further 60-day cancellation fee.

15. Satisfaction Guarantee

15.1. During 14 days from the start of the membership, the member can cancel their membership without further notice.

16. Cancellation Policy

16.1. We recognise that many people’s circumstances change and in such an event, should you wish to cancel your membership, we operate a 60-day cancellation policy, from the date of your next monthly renewal, and require notification in writing.

16.2. Your termination will be effective 60 days from your next monthly renewal date upon your written notification. Where notification is not received, we reserve the right to collect any monies outstanding in the event of this agreement not being upheld.

16.3. If you wish to re-start your membership with us, you will be required to pay the current membership fees and joining fee.

16.4. Exceptional cancellation will be granted where the Member moves further than 10 miles from the facility or due to medical reasons and representation of a medical certificate.

17. Pause of membership

17.1. You will have the right to pause your membership on medical grounds including pregnancy. We require notification in writing. Membership will be frozen from the next payment due from the date of your letter or email.

17.2. In all other circumstances normal cancellation terms apply.

18. Dial down Membership

18.1. Full Members have the right to dial down their membership fee to 50% for a period of one calendar month per year for no reason. This must be done in writing 30 days before the month they wish this to take place. This is not applicable to any other Membership.

 18.2. Access to the LOKfit facility will be suspended during this period.

19. Services outside of our Memberships

19.1. LOKfit Appointments, Courses, Packages will be available for purchase by Non- Members and Members of LOKit.

19.2. Payment of any LOKfit services outside of our Membership will be taken at the time of the booking, in full, and in advance of attendance and will be non-refundable.

19.3. Any person purchasing an Appointment, Course or Package that is not enrolled as a Member of LOKfit, will for the sake of these Terms and Conditions, be termed as a Member for their tenure and be bound by the Terms of this agreement.

20. Session Cancellations and No Shows

20.1. LOKfit operates a strict 24-hour cancellation notice period. Cancellations inside 24 hours will result in a loss of a credit/session.

21. Disputes

21.1. This agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales. For the avoidance of doubt this includes the Equality Act 2010 and its guidance on women-only spaces, services, roles and activities.